GFEscorts encourages meaningful conversations between users, Reviewers, readers and senior WEBSITE employees.
We are committed to engaging with our users and taking action based on their suggestions, complaints, and other feedback. Users may help us develop an individual story or line of coverage, answer questions that a post may raise, identify related or under-covered issues, and teach us about new and diverse sources, experts, and perspectives. We believe that website owners have a responsibility to engage with the public on the values, issues, and ideas of the times, and that organizations like ours have much to gain in return. In fact, actionable feedback may:
- Further develop an individual post or line of coverage.
- Help answer questions that a post may raise.
- Help identify related questions or issues that the audience, including demographic segments of that audience, is discussing or are concerned about.
- Yield new and diverse sources and experts.
We commit to interact with the readers in several ways.
- Contact Us
A page listing all our verified mailto links, providing our readers with clear information, email addresses and phone numbers, where they can ask questions or report complaints.
- Complaints
A dedicated link/form for complaints, easily accessible from every WEBSITE page, providing our users with a direct feedback system to report any error, suggestion, or request for adjustment for each post.
- Audience polls
Public audience polls with results published to take product (new features) and editorial (new topics to be covered) decisions.
We are proud of keeping this openness as a priority, in line with the nature of our open platform.